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Is climate change for real?

Global warming, Climate change, Call it what you would like but in my neck of the woods the climate is changing and I do not need a politician or a post from a Digital network to tell me this. I think that our society needs to be whats the word Pragmatic ?. We all should start using our senses to determine what is happening to our environment that we live in.

So instead of just complaining our family has decided to Start a non profit. The Education Outdoors Preserve, its purpose is to preserve land for public uses that will ultimately help the environment though education and planting of more trees to off set the deforestation that is happening.

If you would like to follow us through the process I will be updating the blog as much as possible.

Today is a big step, we have the website up and we just had a great Phone conference with with the Grand Traverse Land conservancy.(they helped answer some questions to give a reference on an attorney ! thank you) Next step is to work on getting the Attorneys to help with the paperwork to create the Framework for the Mueller township Preserve in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. (20 acre parcel off of US 2)

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